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After storage tips for frequent movers

by Caroline
(Rosebery, Tas, Australia)

Part of PaperCraftCentral Susan's Craft Room

Part of PaperCraftCentral Susan's Craft Room

I move a lot (every 2-4 years), and I was wondering if anyone has any tips on how to store craft stuff that is easy to move, preferably where the storage either can hold the craft stuff when it is being moved, or folds down/stacks to take up less space. In the past I have tried those plastic storage "sets of draws", but they always break in the move, even when they have nothing in them. I have had better luck with plastic storage "tubs", but I quite often end up with broken lids.


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Dec 10, 2018
Sturdy Craft Storage Systems
by: PaperCraftCentral Susan

Hi Caroline

Thank you so much for asking about storage and moving here. All the problems you mentioned have sure happened to me at some stage.

One question I had was, how large is your craft storage need? Could you estimate about how much room your craft supplies take up? That might make a difference in what people recommend for you.

In th emeantime, many people tell me they use the Expedit cubes from Ikea to set up their craft rooms. The units are sturdy and strong and easy to break down or move somewhere else in your craft room when needed.

For those who can afford it, Scrapbox have entire craft storage systems that can close up to look like an ordinary piece of furniture. They are easy to find with Google.

For sturdiness, I personally find that good cane boxes and units are stronger than plastic, by far.

I have seen some amazing portable storage on wheels purchased as a traveling toolbox from Bunnings. They are sturdy too.

I sure hope others will chime in with ideas :)

PaperCraftCentral Susan

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