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Written and Created by PaperCraftCentral Susan

3-d-papercraft projects (or paper art projects) are everywhere these days. They are a lot of fun to make and the variety and uses for them is endless. They can be practical, great for gifts and home decor, or made just for fun. I loved making the paper hyacinths shown below, for example, and they are still decorating my home.

Paper can be made into 3-d-papercraft items so easily if you have a good plan and are capable of a few deft folds. Don't be afraid to experiment too and discover your own versions of off-the-page stunners.

You may even get some kids paper craft ideas to make with your craft supplies!

Paper Hyacinths

3-d-Papercraft Ideas

I have a few projects in mind to show you here and will be adding to this page as I discover more ways to make things. Here are some ideas I have road tested already:

Anzac Day Wreath

Commemorate the fallen soldiers of WWII with a poppy flower wreath made with your paper craft supplies

Anzac Day Wreath

Valentines Day Ideas

How to make paper butterflies

  • Make a Chocolate Favor Box for Valentines Day or for any other special occasion - weddings, birthdays, thank you gifts etc

How to make a Paper Heart Box

Christmas Projects for the Home

Psst! Remember to make some 3-d-Papercraft Projects for Christmas! Start early and you will have time to make some beautiful dimensional items. If you don't have time to create all the elements for a wreath, Stampin' Up! often has beautiful kits available with all the hard work done for you. All you have to do is assemble your kit wreath, your way! Check out SusanSalutations to see the current kits.

Illuminated Shadow Box

  • You can make beautiful Christmas Banners with your punches and stamps. See how here!

Christmas banner

  • Make a Curled Paper Wreath to dress your house for any occasion. Here I have used Christmas papers but think of it in pinks for Valentines Day, spring colours for the beginning of summer, orange and black for Hallowe'en. The process is the same. Just choose your theme!

Curled Paper Wreath

  • Sometimes you want a treat to put in a 3-d papercraft box or bag. Last minute Easy Chocolate Puddings are lovely little Christmas treats to make and dress in paper and cellophane, even if you aren't a cook. (I did hear that Allen's has stopped making spearmint leaves, so substitute green gel icing instead for the leaves).

Mini Chocolate Christmas Puddings

3d Christmas star decoration

  • You can really personalise a candle this way.stamp on them or cover them in vellum sleeves. Find out how here!

  • Decorating Candles

    Paper chain tree

    Birthdays and Other Occasions for Gift Giving - Weddings, Parties, Gatherings....

    • Make a customised Decorative Box when you want to impress someone with a special gift.

    Decorative paper boxes

    • Here's a Paper Wallet to make as an alternative to a wedding card or to dress up any other event you wish in a 3-d papercraft way. It can hold gift cards, gift certificates etc and make the occasion much more memorable.

    Paper Wallet
    • Make some small Chocolate Party Favors to dress up the tables at your next event, or simply to give to someone who needs a little lift:

    Chocolate Party Favors

    • Try making a special Footlocker to hold a graduation card for a military event.

    Decorated box ideas, masculine

    Thank you favours

    • Another great home decor element is a Giant Paper Flower or three. I have step-by-step instructions for you on this page.

    Giant Paper Flower

    Here are some more 3-d papercraft ideas to try:

    Make a special package for whole chocolate bar!

    Candy bar favours

  • Some tins are able to live again with this special treatment.

  • Decorating tins

  • Make a real impression with a box full of photos and/or favours for a special someone.

  • Explosion box album tutorial
    Annual Explosion Box Album

    Who doesn't need a special gift box for those very important people and occasions?

    Paper Gift Boxes

    Handmade Card Box
  • Show someone how thankful you are to have them as a friend and encourage them to be thankful too.

  • How to make a blessing box out of paper.
  • Paper Roses
    These look wonderful on scrapbook pages and cards.

  • Origami rosebud

    These 3-d papercraft items could be used as Christmas decorations or to add some charm to any event or room.

    Water bomb origami
  • These look great as decorations or as special items on a gift box.

  • Paper Chain Tutorial

    Remember that Stampin' Up! has a Gift Bag Board, a Gift Box Board and am Envelope Punch Board to help you make your own. Check the catalogue in the right hand column to see if the boards are still available. See more details about them in Papercraft Tools.

    If you have made a 3-d-papercraft project, do become an inspiration to me and to others by sharing it with me here.

    Do You Have A 3-d PaperCraft Project To Share?

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    Hi! I am new to this - I am an artist working with cardboard covers - they are all glued together with Elmer’s glue - in total they are 12 inch by 12 …

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    Decorating with Butterflies Not rated yet
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    Last updated by PaperCraftCentral Susan on 16th January 2022

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