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PaperCraftCentral News

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I am often reviewing pages and updating them and will re-post things here when I do that as well. It might help you to always see what is freshest at PaperCraftCentral that way. I hope so, anyway!

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Here's the Latest Papercraft News and Updates:

Buckle Card


Make a buckle card as a new way to showcase your cardmaking skills

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Crop-a-dile Tutorial

A Crop-a-dile is a versatile papercraft tool with strength! I am always in awe of its jaws.

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Square photo dilemma

Tombow Multipurpose Liquid Glue

I want to put a special square photo on a pre-made oval cutout. I need ideas on how I can make it work! Thanks for any ideas! Connie

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Question about Strong Crafting Glue

Tombow Multipurpose Liquid Glue

Hi! I am new to this - I am an artist working with cardboard covers - they are all glued together with Elmer’s glue - in total they are 12 inch by 12

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April 2012 Creative Challenge

African Bleached Pots

The April 2012 Creative Challenge was all about stamping with bleach.

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Childrens Clothing


Childrens Clothing made with Big Shot dies look fabulous. Here are some ready mades for you to consider.

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Paris ATCs


I made a friend some Paris ATCs and wanted to show them to you - hope she doesn't see them here before she gets them!

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First Challenge 2011 Winner

Announcing the First Challenge 2011 Winner!

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Birthday Easel Cards


Make Birthday Easel Cards to give someone a special display on their special day

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Fathers Day Greeting 2


Fathers Day greeting 2 - enjoy!

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Help Build This Site


Help build this site! Contact us with ideas, suggestions or feedback about or share one of your own paper projects. Help build this site for you!

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Papercraft Supplies


Find papercraft supplies offers here. Check back often as availability and variety will change.

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Decorate Boxes


Decorate boxes to make cute craft storage containers!

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Graduation Wishes


A graduation wishes card does not have to fit in an envelope. Why not make one with a custom made box to house it?

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Chocolate Favours


Chocolate Favours are so nice to make for your next party. Here's a simple one to start with.

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