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I am a new business owner and would like your feedback

by Tanja

Just because ...

Just because ...

I am a new cardmaking and paper craft business in Australia and would like to do a newsletter for my customers once I am up and ready but not sure how to go about this. I have some ideas i.e. card making projects, card sketches and maybe some information on a basic cardmaking kit for people who are getting started in cardmaking.

Also I am not sure how to word on my website if you would like to subscribe to the newsletter. Please send me an email with newsletter in the subject line or can you get something similar on the internet for my website.




Hello Tanja

Congratulations on your new business.

I thought I would reply to you here as I didn't see a link to your website in your request so cannot really give you specific advice. What I suggest is that you ask your readers/customers what they would like to see in a newsletter, and make the newsletter one that has as many topics as you feel comfortable writing about. It is always good to mention new pages and information to your subscribers.

On my Home Page, on the Subscribe page and on some of the other pages of my website I have examples of ways to ask people to subscribe to Paper Twists. You are welcome to modify my words for use on your own site, if that helps.

If you are a Site Build It business owner there are lots of helpful articles and instructions for writing newsletters in the Action Guide and in the forums. That is what is so wonderful about building a web business with SBI. The support and training there is just fantastic and the tools you get to build your web business are marvelous.

I believe it is important to give people the kind of newsletter they actually want, and communicating with your audience is the best way to discover what that is :)

I hope that helps. All the best for the future with your business.


PS: If it would help, there is a link to a Free Webmaster's Course I would like to give to you. It may shed some light on common issues facing business builders on the web today. Just click on the graphic below to access your copy now.

Webmasters Masters Course

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SBI Link Exchange

by Adele

Linking to

Linking to

Hi Susan - I'm a fellow SBIer and run Card Making some great pages on your site and wondered if you'd want to trade links?

Look forward to hearing from you.

Card Making


Hi Adele

Isn't SBI great? It allows us to make such wonderful sites with our hobbies and passions. I certainly am glad I chose to build using SBI.

Thank you for your kind words about my site, by the way. It's always lovely to receive feedback from someone who offers it spontaneously.

Unfortunately I could not find your site, though, search as I would. Please contact me again with an email address or full URL for your site and I will happily chat with you some more about a link exchange ☺

Have a crafty day.

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