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Aug 17, 2018
For Colleen
by: PaperCraftCentral Susan

Hello Colleen

I do apologise that your cards have not yet been acknowledged. I plan to send acknowledgements out very soon, as soon as my friend Kim confirms who we have received cards from.

I normally do this myself but in May I learned of my mother's terminal cancer and have been 1695kms away from my PO Box since then, so I asked Shelia to collect my mail. She was not aware of the importance of acknowledging the cards.

I assure you the cards that have arrived are in a safe office and will be acknowledged.

Thank you for your understanding.

PaperCraftCentral Susan

Aug 16, 2018
by: Colleen Brown

About 2 or 3 months ago I sent a batch of my handmade cards
to the given address and have not as yet heard whether they arrived. I am at this stage reluctant to send more.

Aug 15, 2018
Julie's Cards
by: PaperCraftCentral Susan

Hi again Julie

I just checked in with Shelia and Kim. Kim has not had any new cards arrive yet but Shelia says there are several boxes of cards she is holding for me.

I cannot be absolutely sure they are your cards yet, of course, but I shall ask Kim to check on the cards received so far and get back to you.

Shelia is pretty sure one of the boxes is from you.

Apologies again from all of us. The best laid plans can be derailed by life, can't they.

I will be in touch again soon.

In gratitude for your cards

PaperCraftCentral Susan

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