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Oct 06, 2019
Cards For Troops 2019
by: PaperCraftCentral Susan

Hi Rachel

Thanks for asking about the Cards for Troops 2019. I was supposed to close it off this year on October 1st but have left it open a little longer as I know some people are actively bringing me more cards.

We are needing to get the cards processed for the military which takes some time, and we need to have them all ready to send when the military opens a window in time for them to get mailed, so I have to get them packaged up soon!

If you still have cards to send for this year, yes, please send them as soon as possible.

I really have to close the Drive off by the end of October for 2019.

Next year's Drive will re-open in April 2020 so you can always be making for that new Drive!

Thank you again for taking time to make cards for our troops.


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