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Cards for Troops

by Deb Taylor

Cellophane bags used for each individual card

Cellophane bags used for each individual card

Hi Susan

OK try again I apologise if I've already sent this message to you. I am not sure if the last one went through.

I have made cards for another group but it closed down. I would like to continue donating my time and efforts to this charity. Previously I have sent cards on a monthly base. How do you like to receive them.

Do you do regular shipments based around holidays and special days as well as general cards or do you just do one big shipment at the end of the year? I'll get to making cards would appreciate you clearing up these couple of queries for me



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Dec 31, 2019
Cards for Troops Drive details
by: PaperCraftCentral Susan

Hi again Deb

I hope you found my previous reply to your questions about the Drive? If not, go to this page.

We do one big shipment per year. I don't ask for specific cards throughout the year, but we welcome all occasion cards - birthdays, sympathy, anniversary, weddings, welcome to a new baby, thank you, missing you, love you, get well soon as well as holidays like Valentines Day, Easter, Christmas, etc.

Thank you again for making cards for the Drive!

PaperCraftCentral Susan

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