, pub-5059501654592326, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5059501654592326, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


by Sergio
(spain, valencia)



How have you made the modular dragonfly? How can I make the model?


Hi Sergio

Thanks for your question about how to make an origami dragonfly. The image actually comes from another site than mine - papercraftcentral.NET

My site URL is papercraftcentral.COM

I am sorry I cannot tell you how to make the beautiful dragonfly you showed me above. I have lots of ideas about card making, scrap booking and some other 3-d projects on my site but have not really developed a complex origami offering.

Do any of you reading this know how to make such a dragonfly? If so, we'd love to see your creation!

Happy paper crafting


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