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Eve Webster Prams

by Eve

I make these little prams freehand. The pattern is my own. Ladies who collect Coachbuilt prams love them. They can be used as mobiles in the nursery, or as little gift boxes for the newborn baby.

These measure 4" and are easy to make though the small parts can be fiddly.

Hope you like them.



Hi Eve

Those are sure cute little prams! Thank you so much for sharing them. They are very versatile and how clever of you to have discovered the pattern yourself.

I just love seeing new ideas people have invented, especially ones as cute as this.

I like them and hope to hear from you again when you want to share some more ideas :)


PS: Remember there are a few nice baby card and baby scrapbook ideas on PaperCraftCentral. Here are a few for you to browse:

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