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"HOOAH! It's an army thing." Box

by Chasse

Veteran's Day Gift Box

Veteran's Day Gift Box

I made this box to send to the army for a Veteran's day project that my Interact Club was doing. We each made a customized box and put different things inside to send to the army!
This was my box, I made it using acrylic paint, party streamers (I think that's what they are), and some white printer paper. It was really easy actually! The red and blue streamers were left over from a party, so I taped those around the outside of the box, and trimmed off the ends so they weren't so long. I painted a piece of paper red, white, and blue striped with the acrylic paint, and made the "HOOAH! It's an army thing" logo on some printer paper. I decided to use that logo because my cousin had told me (she had gone to boot camp for army training) that it would be a good idea to include that on the box.
I hope you like the box I made!


Hello Chasse

I am so glad you posted about your hand decorated Veteran's Day gift box. It looks fantastic and I am also really interested in what you used to dress it up. Thanks for letting me know what materials you used and why you decided to put those particular words on the box. I am sure you brightened someone's day a lot when they received your box. It's so important to remember our Troops and the efforts they go to to protect us.

What a great thing to do!


PS: If you would like to make your own gift box for a Service person, you may enjoy the instructions for making a footlocker box and card as shown here:

If you make a special gift for someone in the military, I would love to see it.

Also, do remember the Cards for the Australian Troops drives that I collect for. You can make Mother's Day cards for the first part of the year (though other types of cards are also welcome), and Christmas cards for the next half of the year.

Happy crafting!

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