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How do I begin paper crafting

Colouring with inks

Colouring with inks

Hi Susan

I am the beginner in papercrafting.

Can you please guide me how to start my projects?

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Mar 30, 2015
Some Questions For You
by: Susan


Welcome to the world of paper crafting! It is a wide and varied world and so it really depends on what area you want to start in. That is why I have some questions for you.

Are you interested in scrapbooking? I have some pages on how to make a scrapbook on this site, if you click on the previous link.

Are you interested in making cards? I have some pages about various techniques and ideas for making greeting cards.

Are you wanting to make gifts out of paper products? Again, I have some pages to show you how to make certain projects.

Are you interested in making Artist Trading Cards? I have pages you can read about ATCs also.

If you have questions about what type of tools to purchase for papercrafting, I have information for you about them.

Many people need advice about which adhesive to use as well so I have information about some of the different types available.

If you have more specific questions about a particular area of papercrafting I would be happy to answer those. Just write again and let me know what type of projects you want to get started on.

Happy papercrafting!


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