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Link to Us!

Did you know you can link to us if you have found us to be helpful and interesting for your own paper crafting?

Please feel free to share PaperCraftCentral with your friends, family and paper craft contacts if you would like to. Putting new ideas before new people (especially new crafters)  has always been one of Susan's goals.

CASEing (Copy and Share Everything) is a special privilege we crafters enjoy! If you create projects from an idea you have seen on please do tell people who see your project where you got your inspiration. Maybe they will want to come visit this site as well!

If you know people who would like to try new techniques with ink, embossing, colouring, creating handmade cards and scrapbook pages, creating paper gifts, home decor and more with paper, then sharing is caring for them. Help them to see what is possible with paper, ink and adhesives too.

This idea of linking is all about making sure other people know where your ideas have come from. Susan doesn't mind sharing her work at all, but letting people know about PaperCraftCentral in return is a small courtesy she would appreciate greatly. It will increase your joy to share ideas and the fun of crafting while making sure more people find out about

Thank you card

Thanks so much for wanting to share about PaperCraftCentral with your friends and family. Sharing is a great way to let others know how to have fun with papercraft projects and techniques that they may not have tried before. It's a way to share the fun of crafting with others.

Here are just a few ideas about how you could share:

1. You could start a challenge going among your crafty friends with one of the techniques mentioned here, and would be able to link to us with the page where the technique is described.

2. You could use one of the swap ideas mentioned here to start your own swap among friends, near or far.

3. You could have a group of friends over for a crafty time and use one of the card or scrapbook ideas here to help shape your craft projects.

4. You can also become a member of PaperCraftCentral on Facebook, Instagram or Tik Tok, or share some ideas created on Pintrest from the material on this website.

Let me know if you think of other ways to take some of the information here and make your crafting more enjoyable, especially when you share it with your friends!

Want to know how to link to us?

If you decide to post a link and would like some help doing that, it's very easy. I have created a sample for you that will work.

Just copy (usually you right click with your mouse on the words you want to pick up) and paste the HTML code below onto the post or page where you want to share about PaperCraftCentral (you can then usually right click with your mouse to drop the copied words where you want them):

<center><textarea rows="4" cols="44"><atarget="_blank"<a href=""><b>PaperCraftCentral</b></a> <br>Find out what you can make with paper and imagination, one paper hug at a time!</textarea></center>

Here is a sample of how the HTML code will look on your site or blog when it is live:

Find out what you can make with paper and imagination, one paper hug at a time!

Do You Have a Website That Would Complement Want to Exchange Links?

Link Exchange
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If you are interested in a link exchange, please contact us and we will review your information and get back to you as soon as possible.

It would be great if you have a site that would compliment this one.

Linking back and forth between our sites with relevant, useful pages will strengthen both of our sites with the search engines and, most importantly, will enhance our visitor's experience on the web.

It will be possible for you to link to specific pages in an exchange like this. And Susan can arrange to place a link about a project or technique on your own site, where it would enhance your site visitor's experience as well.

Projects that you create could compliment Susan's and vice versa. No one makes the exact same things, and our visitors will enjoy the cross pollination of ideas.

Please note, we are not looking for pages of links or directories here. It works best if we can naturally share information that would help each other's audiences in a real way.

Whether you want to exchange links or post a link, thanks for being a regular visitor at and for checking out this page. Susan appreciates your generosity in sharing about her site with others. 

Do keep on enjoying your exploration of now

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var l = window.location.href, d = document; document.write('<form action="#"><div style="text-align:center"><textarea cols="50" rows="2" onclick=";"><a href="'+l+'">'+d.title+'</a></textarea></div></form>');