Making Baby Memory Albums
Written and Created by PaperCraftCentral Susan
Do you want ideas for making baby memory albums? Here are some ideas to help you decide what to put in it.
"Heaven lies about us in our infancy"
~William Wordsworth
Need Some Ideas for Making Baby Memory Albums?
Who can forget the first moment they became a parent? How about the
first time you looked into your newborn's eyes and knew your life had
change forever? All those feelings and special moments are ones we want
to capture! But where do we start when making a baby's first scrapbook
I do like this baby album made by the lovely Tanyah Payne.
It can help so much to have a place to start making Baby Memory Albums.
That's why I put together a little list for you to consider. If you are
like me, I had a lot of trouble remembering things for awhile after
having my baby (is baby brain real? Lol!) so a list like this may just relieve you of some of the
pressure and help you to find a place to begin. I hope so, anyway!
Here are some ideas for you. Please feel free to change this list to
suit your own sense of what is important and the circumstances of the
birth. Maybe you had triplets! Your album will naturally be quite
different to an album about a single birth :)
By the way, if you have already made a Baby Memory Album and would
like to help other parents by inspiring them, please feel free to upload
a story, suggestion or photo of it for us. Thank you!
All my baby album ideas would not fit on the one page :)
You May Want to Include Pages about the Following:
Here are some ideas for the type of pages you may like to making baby memory albums:
- A picture of the hospital, or if your baby was born at home or in a birthing suite, a picture of that
- A picture of baby's birth certificate. You may even consider
placing baby's little footprint or hand print next to the birth
certificate. Just be sure to use ink that will come off easily and will not harm your baby. Amazon usually has baby footprint kits available with suitable ink in them
- The name of your Doctor and/or midwife, and a picture of them if you have one
- The story of your labour:
When did it start?
How long did it last?
Was it a difficult birth or was it easy?
Did you have a Caesarean section?
- Time of birth
- Statistics: How much did baby weigh? How long was baby? How about head circumference?
- What about including some journaling about your first
impressions of your baby? For example, answer some of these questions: How did you feel? Who did you think baby
looked like? What was the first thing you said to your baby? What did
the Dr or midwife and nurses say when they saw baby for the first time?
- Include a picture of you holding the baby, perhaps with your significant other
- Who were your first visitors? Include some photos of them if you have them
- What gifts were given to you both? Include a photo of the flowers and baby gifts if you can
- Journal about the meaning of your baby's name. Was your baby
named after someone special? Was there a significant event that caused
you to name your baby the way you did? Tell the story
- Include pictures of grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins and special friends if relevant
- You could even have a special family history page of baby photos - ones of
baby's parents when they were babies, or of siblings when they were
- Memorabilia: Include items like the
identification bracelet given to baby by the hospital, or the little card
on baby's crib in the nursery, or little cards given by others to
welcome baby's arrival
- Make a page about going home and include a picture of baby's
first home/room/crib. I think a picture of baby sleeping in their first
bassinet would be so sweet!
- Journal about your hopes for your baby and tell about your love of your baby
Remember to use your scrapbooking and card making supplies in your albums. I love this stamp set called Places in the Heart, for example, to enhance baby album pages.

Or if you would like to have a baby animal theme in your album, why not try the Sweet and Precious Stamp Set?
I hope these ideas have helped you think of some ideas for making a very special Baby Memory Album of your own. I also hope it has helped you take a shortcut in finding a way to start one.
If you would like to share a story about a scrapbook you have made for
an infant or show me a picture of such an album, I would love to hear
from you. I would also like to hear about other ideas you have found for
making pages in baby's first book.
Do You Have Scrapbook Page to Share?
Please do share your scrapbook layouts and projects below.
Are you able to get started making baby memory albums now? If not, you may like to consider the theme of your baby album, or have some more ideas for how to decide it's size and shape next,
Oh and maybe you would like some layout ideas too.
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