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Comments for Mothers Day, Fathers Day and Anniversary Cards for the Troops

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Jan 21, 2019
Yes, Do Send your Cards
by: PaperCraftCentral Susan

Hello Margaret

It is lovely to hear from you again. I am very glad you got my Christmas card after you sent me so many lovely Cards for Troops last year. I love to thank you for contributing your beautiful work!

I can imagine that being a teacher of card making would indeed be something you missed when you retired. I feel the same way about teaching as I used to do that too but retired. I didn't teach craft but I do miss my students and the fun we used to have. I still do teach cardmaking privately to people in my own home, so that gives me some teaching time!

As for papercraft supplies never seeming to get used up, I can understand what you are saying. Lol! Maybe they do breed in secret....

In answer to your question about whether or not to send me more cards now, the answer is 'yes'. I do wait till the end of the year to send the cards but know the Troops keep them for their special occasions throughout the year, so sending for all occasions is still a great idea.

You can still send them to me at

Cards for Troops
C/- PaperCraftCentral Susan
PO Box 97
Morayfield, Qld 4506

I laughed about the way our husbands are so similar with us and our craft. My husband appreciates home cooking more than any crafts I do!

Thank you for writing and I will let you know when your next batch of cards arrives.

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