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Paper Twists Issue 20

Welcome to January 2018's Paper Twists Issue 20!

Written and Created by PaperCraftCentral Susan

Welcome to the Welcome to your Paper Twists Issue 20 January Newsletter.

I hope you are having a good start to your year, with lots of crafting time in it! If you need inspiration, I have some ideas and a few new pages for you to see at


I hope you are taking photos of those special memories you could be making over the holidays, if you are a scrapper. Here's a new idea for you to possibly get them scrapped in an easy way.

I decided I would start using a Stampin' Up! Daily Planner for our long trip. I am adding more page protectors to hold pictures and memorabilia. I've been keeping a bit of a journal of our trip so am going to start transferring all that into my new planner.

I'm going to snip pictures from all those travel brochures that we have collected too. I thought it might lighten our load in the caravan a little to be able to throw some of the excess travel brochures away then.

Let me tell you, that idea scored points with my husband! Lol!

And having all the coordinating stickers included in the kit is nice and tidy too, and very convenient.

Card Mailing Tip

If you like to mail cards with embellishments on them but are concerned about how they will arrive once they have gone through the mailing process, try folding your finished cards inside out to mail them.

Your ribbon, rhinestones, pearls and other 3-d items will have the additional protection of layers of card stock that way.

Your recipient will just need to fold their card right side out when they receive it to admire all your lovely work.

Find Out About Cardstock and How to Use It

Some have asked me what card stock weights mean, and how to tell which kind of paper should be used for what. I put together information about card stock weights and uses for you.

I even created a table with the weights, types and suggested uses on it, that you can save! Feel free to share this free resource with your crafting friends too.

Valentines Day is Coming!

What's your favourite crafty item to use this year for Valentine's Day? I chose the Lots to Love framelits and stamp set for mine.

While playing with the framelits, I discovered a couple of tips that will help you put the box together and choose two different closure styles. There's even a video about it for you to watch.

There's a page that shows you how to make a heart shaped gift box too. Perfect for wrapped chocolates!

If you live in Australia, remember you can purchase your papercraft supplies from my SusanSalutations shop.

If you live in Stampin' Up! countries elsewhere in the world, be sure to search for a Demonstrator in your area and s/he will be delighted to help you with supplies and projects.

And that's about it for Paper Twists Issue 20. I hope there was something here that you enjoyed.

Happy New Year from all of us at PaperCraftCentral!

PaperCraftCentral Susan

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