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Paper Twists Issue 21

Paper Twists Issue 21 has some new ideas and projects for you to see.

Written and Created by PaperCraftCentral Susan

Welcome to your Paper Twists Issue 21, your February Newsletter!

It's almost Valentines Day! Are you ready to show your project? If so I would love to see your work. Go to the Gift Box page to share and while you are there, have a look at the Valentines Day projects featured.

Happy Valentines Day!

Valentine Box

I have some ideas, a tip and a few new pages for you to see at this month.


Have you ever turned a scrapbook idea into a card? I found an example for you and put it on the Cardmaking page.

Scrapbook card idea

Card Mojo Tip

Sometimes our card mojo/muse deserts us and we lose track of why we are making cards in the first place. Sometimes it is hard to explain to others why we love to make cards. The new page about cardmaking puts together some ideas for why we do it and when.

I'd love you to share why you make cards and paper gifts yourself. You can do so on that page.

Best Friend Ever card

Paper Folding for Cardmakers, Scrapbookers and Gift Givers

The time has come. I always said I wasn't an origami crafter, but in reality I have a few paper folding ideas already on the site and have decided that I am going to add more.

I put together a page for you that features all the paper folding projects available on PaperCraftCentral right now. (If you find one that I forgot, do let me know!)

Paper fold ball

In the spirit of showing you more paper folding projects, since St Patrick's Day I found a paper folding project that can be used on cards, scrapbook pages or gifts!

St Patricks Day Origami

Get Your Supplies!

If you live in Australia, remember you can purchase your papercraft supplies from my SusanSalutations shop.

If you live in Stampin' Up! countries elsewhere in the world (Germany, England, Japan, New Zealand, Canada, USA, France, Holland) be sure to search for a Demonstrator in your area and s/he will be delighted to help you with supplies and projects.

So now, until next month, I wish you lots of happy paper crafting from all of us at PaperCraftCentral!

My craft desk

PaperCraftCentral Susan

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