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Pen and Ink Flower Border with Butterflies

by Pat
(Kennedy Meadow, Inyokern, CA USA)

Pen and Ink Flower Border with Butterflies Card

Pen and Ink Flower Border with Butterflies Card

Freehand pen and ink border with butterflies cut from material and glued to lightweight cardstock. After drying, they were cut out and glued to the card (only the middle of each butterfly so the wings could be bent to stand out on the card).



Pat, you drew your design freehand? I am very impressed! That is so lovely. The butterflies look gorgeous with the colouring you did. I like the black and white background with the butterflies coloured like that. It makes them pop.

You do beautiful work.

Hope you have a crafty day

PS: Here are a couple more butterfly ideas in case anyone wants to make their own:

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Aug 07, 2012
Thank You for Comment
by: Pat Petersen

Thank you, Marti, for your comment.

Jul 30, 2012
by: Marti

What talent. Your freehand drawing is fantastic.
Great Job.

Jul 29, 2012
Clarification of butterfles on this card
by: Pat Petersen

Yes, I drew the border freehand. I did not color the butterflies (they were already colored on the material I cut them from). Embellished bottom butterfly wings with rhinestones. Thank you for the beautiful comment. Card given to my daughter-in-law for her birthday.

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