, pub-5059501654592326, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5059501654592326, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Rudolph Recon ATC

(FT. Worth, Tx USA)

Rudolph Recon ATC

Rudolph Recon ATC

ATC for Christmas 2017, Field Glasses And Telescope At The Ready!


Hi Colleen

Thank you for sending in this marvelous ATC!

Now I want to know more about Rudolph Recon. Was or is he an explorer? Is he a soldier? I tried Googling him but didn't find anything. Perhaps he is someone you know?

Anyway, I do like your artwork. I can't help but think this piece would make a great Card for the Troops also. Sometimes I turn my ATCs into handmade greeting cards 😊

I moved your submission to the ATC page so more people looking for ATCs will find it.

I hope you come back with a comment to tell us more about Rudolph Recon.

Thank you again!

PaperCraftCentral Susan

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Jan 05, 2018
I keep thinking about this ATC
by: Susan

I keep thinking about this ATC and thought I would tell you that was the case. I hope to see more of your work!

Thank you for letting us see it.

PaperCraftCentral Susan

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