Scrapbooking Request
by A PaperCraftCentral Reader
Susan's Challenge Example
Hi Susan
I am a scrapper and I have been looking at your site its really good, but I think you need to add some pages about scrapping to help other people scrap and give them ideas like me.
Well I will pop back in the next few days to see if you have some scrapbook page ideas for me.
Thank You
******************************Thank you for your request. It's lovely to hear that you like!
I do have some scrapbook pages almost ready to be uploaded. I can't promise they will be up in a few days, but they will be published soon and I trust they will help you with ideas for your own projects.
One thing that really helps me to stretch my own scrapping skills is to try scrapping a page with a suggested list of items in mind. Here's one to try:
- Choose a black and white photo to showcase
- Choose three designer papers, one striped, one dotted and the last one can be any other pattern you like
- Choose a piece of ribbon, a button or two and some bling
- Choose a large journalling tag
- Choose a rub on
Now scrap a page with your chosen items. I did exactly that in the example I attached at the top as part of my reply.
If you or anyone else accepts this challenge, please do upload your page. I'd love to see them and think many readers would too!
Happy Scrapping! Come back again soon!
PS: You might also like to see these pages:
ScrapbookingScrapbooking TipsMaking a Scrapbook
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