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Square photo dilemma

by Connie
(Middlefield ohio)

Tombow Multipurpose Liquid Glue

Tombow Multipurpose Liquid Glue

I want to put a special square photo on a pre-made oval cutout. I need ideas on how I can make it work!

Thanks for any ideas!


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Feb 24, 2025
Square Inside an Oval
by: PaperCraftCentral Susan

Hi Connie

Thank you for your question. I think you are asking me how to centre your photo on your oval?

I think if I were placing a square inside an oval shape, I would find the middle of both pieces and match them up.

You can do this with a ruler and a soft pencil. Draw lines horizontally and vertically to find the middle intersection point, then match the centre of the square to the centre of the oval. You can draw on the back of the photo then match it up with the lines on the oval, and then draw lines around the corners of the square onto your oval.

Flip the photo over and it should comfortably fit inside the square you drew on the oval.

Tack the photo onto the oval by adding adhesive to the middle, so you can still raise the corners up to erase your visible pencil marks, then add more adhesive to the back of the photo.

If this is a piece you want to last awhile, make sure your adhesive is photo safe and of archival quality so it won't go brittle, brown, or let go of your paper. You can read more about archival adhesives and supplies on this page/a>.

I like to use Tombow Multipurpose Liquid Glue as it can be a temporary glue when air dried, and it can provide you 'wiggle room' for moving an element into place a short time before it dries and holds.

If I have interpreted your question incorrectly, do let me know! Otherwise, I hope this information helps you out.

Happy scrapbooking!

PaperCraftCentral SUsan

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