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Stampin Up Availability in the USA

by Julie Jolliffe
(San Diego, CA, USA)

Celebrate Card

Celebrate Card

Can I order Stampin Up products in the USA?


Hi Julie

The short and simple answer is yes, you should be able to order Stampin' Up! products in the USA.

Stampin' Up! was created in Utah and that is where its world-wide headquarters are.

All you need to do is to go to this website:

There is a drop-down menu at the top. Choose USA.

Then you can look for a Demonstrator near you by using the Demonstrator locater, or you can just go ahead and shop with Stampin' Up!

By choosing a Demonstrator you will gain a creative coach though.

I wish you lots of fun and happiness with Stampin' Up! Time to Celebrate!

PaperCraftCentral Susan

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