, pub-5059501654592326, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0, pub-5059501654592326, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


by Pat Caputo
(Enfield, CT)

Filigree heart

Filigree heart

This filigree heart is quilled using only a couple of shapes. The "long stem roses" are made with 1/8" quilling paper. The roses are 'folded" just like ribbon roses.



Hello Pat

Oh, what a beautiful, delicate heart! And just in time for Valentine's Day! I can see it would be a project I could make in time for the big day now I have the idea. And I was looking for an idea!

Thank you so much for your timely sharing. It's good to see some more of your lovely projects :)

Happy Crafting!


PS: See more card ideas at Cardmaking Tips and Special Occasion Cards

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