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Working hard Spark Friend

by Paula
(Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA)

Hi Susan!

I'm assuming that your "non-diet" life is taking more time and energy ... and that Spark is sometimes too much busy work. Will miss your comments there, but since I'm much more passionate about paper-crafting I'll be looking forward to seeing more of your ideas here. You really are talented!

Have a great day!



Hi Paula

How nice of you to drop by and tell me such nice things :) Rest assured, I won't be giving up Sparkpeople! (Readers, in case you have not heard of Sparkpeople before, it's a wonderful fitness and nutrition site that can help people change their lifestyles to live in more healthful ways).

I have just had family matters and traveling to attend to this month, and I am also preparing for my daughter's wedding in July. Guess who is making all the invitations, place-cards, RSVPs, Wishing Well words, Thank Yous etc??


And of course I can't share all the papercraft surprises of her wedding just yet :)

I am looking forward to seeing some of YOUR work here on Paula. I hope you will post some up for me to see soon. What a lovely way to stay in touch.

Till next time


PS: You may enjoy these wedding card ideas:

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